Posted on 2/27/2023

Towing services are widely offered and available. They can save you from some very sticky situations or assist you in bringing your vehicle to the repair shop. Usually, a bigger truck or flatbed comes and attaches a winch to your car. But you might ask what the right time to call towing services is except when you are stranded or stuck. In this blog, we will give you a couple of situations where calling for a tow is vital. Flashing Check Engine Light In comparison with the solid check engine light, a flashing one means there's a big issue. Causes can differ, but it flashes for a reason - it wants to grab your attention. Towing services are advised because driving a vehicle like that can result in parts or even engine failure. Metallic Grinding Sound From Engine Bay If you start hearing a metallic grinding sound from the engine department, you should stop the car right away. It can either be extremely low oil levels or a stuck, loose part dancing around. Such a problem is very s ... read more