Posted on 12/29/2022

Fuel efficiency is often measured in MPG, or miles per gallon, which is the relationship between the distance they cover per gallon of consumption of gasoline. Considering inflation has hiked and affected gas prices lately, saving money on gas has become more important than ever. Exclusive Motorworks is here to come to the rescue. Here are a few tips our top tips on how to increase your fuel efficiency or MPG: Don’t miss your oil changes - Motor oil affects your fuel consumption because your engine relies on proper lubrication to run efficiently. If you want to minimize your gas consumption, please be sure to get your oil changes on time and with the right oil type. Take it easy while driving - Quick acceleration demands more fuel. So, slowly increasing your speed may help you out. Plus, it is better to drive at a constant speed whenever you can. Pay attention to your tires - Proper inflation of tires is key to getting the most out of your gas. It also ensures your tir ... read more